My name is Kazuo Asahiro who run this laboratory. Specialty is Landscape Conservation Studies. The academic society is active in the Landscape Design Society. The subjects of research are scenic landscapes that are maintained and preserved by people, especially the countryside village, coppice woodland, traditional farmland where called Satochi, Satoyama. Please understand my activities from the contents of this homepage.

1988年 宮崎大宮高等学校卒業
1988年 九州芸術工科大学 芸術工学部 環境設計学科 入学
1993年 九州芸術工科大学 芸術工学部 環境設計学科 卒業
1993年 九州芸術工科大学 大学院芸術工学研究科 生活環境専攻 博士前期課程 入学, 自然環境設計研究室 Ecological Planning Studio (Supervisor: Jonathan Hammond)
1995年 九州芸術工科大学 大学院芸術工学研究科 生活環境専攻 博士前期課程 修了, 修士(芸術工学), 論文題目:Birds and Macrobenthos Habitat Rehabilitation in Zuibaiji-River Estuary. 和名:瑞梅寺川河口域における鳥・マクロベントス生息地のリハビリテーション
1995年 (株)アーバンデザインコンサルタント
1996年 九州芸術工科大学環境設計学科環境論講座助手
2003年 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院助手
2004年 英国ロンドン大学インペリアル校在外研究員 (Visiting researcher, Wye campus, Imerial College of London. Ashford, Kent, U.K.)
2006年 博士(芸術工学)(九州大学)論文題目:シイ・カシ萌芽林とヒノキ人工林の空中写真画像を用いた樹冠幅解析による林分特性の抽出に関する研究
2007年 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院助教
2009年 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院准教授
2023年 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院教授
Researcher information site
Please have a sight my public researcher information from following University site.
これは、言い尽くされた、Rachel Carson女史のThe Sense of Wonderの一説です。 「緑地保全」の「保全」、”Conservation”という語は、英国では時に、「子供を育てるように」という例えで説明されることがあります。”Taking care”、すなわち、なるようにならない「自然」(子供)は、手をかけながら、目をかけながら育てること。もしくは、付き合うこと。家族が、地域が、自然と共に健やかな生活を持続的に時間と空間を共有するには、そのような姿勢と行為が必要です。
Mission of this Lab.
“It is not half so important to know as to feel.”
These are the much-quoted words of Rachel Carson, from her essay “The Sense of Wonder.” The concept of “conservation” in “conservation of green spaces” is sometimes explained in the United Kingdom as being “like raising children.” “Taking care” of “nature” (or children)—that is, not standing back and simply letting things happen—means to take a hands-on, eyes-on approach to nurturing, or maintaining relationships. Such attitudes and behaviors are necessary for families, for communities, to share healthy lifestyles, to share time and space, with nature in a sustainable manner.
This laboratory targets green space environments in suburban areas and rural communities, which are nurtured within such relationships between people and nature. Through human conservation management, the biodiversity, amenities, aesthetics, production of agricultural and forestry products, disaster prevention, and other public-interest functions of green space environments are maintained. The laboratory’s research aims are to provide society with conservation designs (plans/designs) that contribute to the relationship between people and nature by carrying out research and education, making recommendations, and implementing projects in cooperation with local residents, government agencies, and specialists, committing to social issues in order to promote sustainable community living environments as well as conservation/regeneration of the natural environment, analyzing historical and natural contexts, and clarifying conservation mechanisms. Our ultimate goal is foster human resources capable of sensing and conveying the beauty of the environment.
Our main research themes are conservation of secondary nature and forests, ecological research of secondary woodlands, research related to rehabilitation of agricultural land through mutual assistance in disasters, research related to volunteer tourism, and research related to green space conservation in Bangladesh. With the flow of these research themes, going forward we seek to develop various activities that can better address issues facing the real world:
What form should secondary nature/forest conservation models take in the future in order to be successful as small-scale businesses?
How should agricultural villages in hilly and mountainous areas develop amidst the depopulation of local society?
How should value be added to traditional crop plants and landscapes, and how should these be conserved through industrial development?
How can communities capable of coordinating mutual assistance and cooperation be created?
Can secondary nature/forest conservation topics be developed through art?

教員 教授 Professor:
朝廣 和夫 Dr. Kazuo Asahiro
博士課程 Doctor course:
樋口 拓 Taku Higuchi
吉野 真生子 Maoko Yoshino
志水 健一郎 Kenichiro Shimizu
修士課程 Master course:
薬師寺菜加 Nanoka Yakushiji
篠原莉子 Rhiko Shinohara
和田竹玄 Takethune Wada
長嵜琴音 Kotone Nagasaki
松下 藍 Ai Mathushita
森麻里乃 Marhino Morhi
毛 笑盈 Mao Xiaoying
久保田真由 Mayu Kubota
福宿達也 Tathuya Fusuki
松尾悠貴 Yuki Mathuo
Staff: 島松富繁 Tomishige Shimamatsu
大学:State University of Bangladesh 、國立聯合大學(台湾)

活動組織 Co-Working group