九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院 緑地保全学研究室のホームページへようこそ。研究室の概要、現在の研究テーマ、研究室のメンバーなどに関する情報はメニューバーからご覧いただけます。また、日々の研究・教育・市民活動風景はブログからご覧いただけます。
Welcome to the website of Landscape Conservation Lab., Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University . Information of the laboratory, current research topics, members of the laboratory etc. can be found on the menu bar. In addition, you can see the daily research, education, citizen activity scene from the blog.

One of the studies that our laboratory has been focusing on in recent years is the conservation and management of green spaces distributed among cultural heritage sites.
This photo shows the ruins of Mizuki Castle, a national special historic site located in Dazaifu and Onojo cities, Fukuoka Prefecture. Ancient fortifications have been managed as satoyama since the Middle Ages, but after World War II, they were neglected and the growth of trees became huge. In recent years, typhoons have caused fallen trees and the destruction of cultural heritage. Since this green space has value as a precious urban green in this day and age, the current plan calls for managing it in a satoyama-like manner, pruning and removing trees to reduce their height and density.
Our laboratory is flying a drone over the area after all the management work is completed to acquire LiDAR data and archive the data. We are also developing a mapping of the vegetation environment using Drone-LiDAR data and the changes in vegetation.

2020年3月、福岡JA中央会および福岡県の委託で、「農地復旧のための共助支援の手引き ~福岡県農業ボランティアコーディネーターの方々へ ver2020.3」を取りまとめWebに公開しました。平成29年7月九州北部豪雨で設置されたJA筑前あさくら農業ボランティアセンターの活動をベースとしています。2016年版のリニュアル版です。ぜひ、ご利用ください。
In March 2020, on behalf of Fukuoka JA Chuo-kai and Fukuoka Prefecture, a "Guide to Mutual Aid and Support for Farmland Restoration - A Guide for Fukuoka Prefecture Agricultural Volunteer Coordinators, ver. Mar. 2020" was compiled and made available on the website. It is based on the activities of JA Chikuzen-Asakura Agricultural Volunteer Center, which was established after the torrential rains in northern Kyushu in July 2017. We hope you will use this manual at disaster time.